Host - Prince Joe
Guest - Tommykay


H: Welcome, sir.

G: Believe me when I say I am so honored.

H: Before we dive into the real discussion, because we have a lot to trash out tonight( perimit me to use that word 'trash').
Kindly describe yourself in just a word?

G: Motivated.

H: Deep. Ok, sir. Sharply, let's talk about tonight's lecture, love. Love. Love. What can you tell us about love, from your own discretion and experience?

G: Love, I believe is an intense feeling of affection, in other words, it means what one's feels, it doesn't necessarily mean loving the opposite sex, you could love  particular thing, let's say a plant, a teddy bear, Love is not only about having the affection, the most important thing is showing the affection, not caring who knows or what happens next.

H: Brilliant one, sir. I will kindly pick 'Affection' from what you said, sir, please, is there is difference between love and affection, or it's the same thing or what actually?

G: Love is that deep sense of feeling or fondness you have for something or someone, the feeling you have when you can't stop thinking about someone, that feeling makes you do the unthinkable for this particular person or thing.
Now the fact that you can do anything for this thing or person is the affection, you've gotten used to the fact that no matter the amount of sacrifice you make for this person it's still not enough. The fact that you think about that person or thing can be termed as obsession too but it isn't a bad thing if there are no aggressive thoughts accompanying them.

H: Thank you for the brief enlightenment. Cool.
Now sir, let's divert to writing, actually, what do you think love has for poetry, I mean, is there anything productive that love can birth in poetry?

G: People with this, are often sick mentally:
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD
Overview. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over.
You see when you are in love with what you write, the readers tends to read meanings to the things you write. Poetry is so important because it helps us understand and appreciate the world around us. Poetry's strength lies in its ability to shed a “sideways” light on the world, so the truth sneaks up on you. No question about it. Poetry teaches us how to live.
Love also does these things, with hatred nothing good comes forth.

H: Hmmm. I think I'm beginning to get you, cool. But then, I'm yet to be convinced, if I may ask, with your experience in writing, what's love poetry to you?

G: Love poetry has been my Bible for so long, its testament has given me the direct understanding of my emotions, through heartbreaks and falling right back in love. It has been my guide: Most of us do not love anymore, we have created affection for the wrong things, "Lust"is now the main purpose behind some relationships.

H: I see. Wonderful. I can see love poetry has really made you become something you never thought of, that's very interesting, and so challenging.
But then, do you believe love poetry can affect the society positively or what, and in what sense?

G: Love poetry has an aura that it brings along, and only the beautiful minded would understand its meaning. Love poetry appreciates the fact that  something is in existence.

Let's take for example Nigeria: Love poetry doesn't necessarily have to be about an individual, like I said earlier, it could be about anything.
Love poetry provokes the writer's imaginations, concerns and feelings, these are the most important things the society needs. When you have affection for your country or a particular thing, to hurt that same thing wouldnt be possible. So if every one has that kind of mindset, the society would be a better haven to live in.

H: Wow. Wow. I see. Like seriously, thank you for this. I never thought of this, but then. You are right. Because when we talk about love poetry here in Nigeria, we simply mean to say, a woman's body, or Something relating to a woman. But then, I can see more to it.
But sir, this love poetry of a thing, can we say, it's more better and very essential than any other themes to write about or what?

G: Of course, everyone wants to love someone and be loved in return, some just had an heartbreak, they need to be enlightened more
A lot of people commits suicide nowadays due to the fact that they were jilted by their partner, if they had taken time to glance through a love writeup, that death might have been averted.
We really need to focus more on the things that makes us happy: Heartbreaks are bound to happen. But getting drowned in it, isn't the next thing.

H: I got this. We really need to focus more.
Sir, can you mention the love poets you'd read anytime anyday, that makes you happy and get loved, and why you love reading them?

G: John Donne  is a very good poet.

H: Hmmm. Why do you love reading him?

G: The fact that he was a cleric in a church and he still enjoyed writing love poems, and the fact that most of his poems are classical in nature: I feel he knew what love meant, you could tell by the deep meanings his write ups convey. He also carries his readers along with rheotorical questions. However his archaic dictions might be a little bit hard for prope comprehension, but in the end you will be alright.


Q: I will like to know, if there is any deference between: love poem, romantic poem and poem of romance ?

Q: When writing love poems should writers use exaggerations and say things that are not humanly possible just to please the reader?

G: I believe you are referring to Romantic poems: In romance there is something called flirting, and to flirt, the use of strong romantic hyperbolic words must be your aid.

Q: You know in poetry romance has to do with nature but if you mean normal romance that we all know, then you're close.

G: Of course, the reader is not dumb, he or she knows, what the writer is trying to do, but he or she wants to just get lost in the words, that's the feeling, those words were properly constructed forget the Fact that they are exaggerations and he or she respects that the writer found time to pen something on his or her behalf.

Q: I grab now, so what you're saying is if the writer fails to live or love according to what it's  written in his write-ups he shouldn't be blamed, right?

G: It depends on what he wrote, I really can't judge for now, do you have an example of that sort of poem?

Q: It's what we see everyday now, I just can't start digging now.
Finally, is it not possible to write love poems to someone and make the person feel good without exagerating?

G: Of course, don't need to exaggerate. I mentioned the fact that, nowadays we don't write like we used to, people just feel love is all about flirting, but there is more to it. You said it's what we see everyday, that's an evidence that the society, has taken love in the wrong dimension.
We need to get back to the Genesis of things, get the clear picture and get back on track.


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