DYNAMIC POETS WRITE CALL FOR SUBMISSION . Dynamic poets write invites young poets/ writers from Nigeria, Africa and all over the world to enter their poems for the June 2018 edition D.P.W MONTHLY CONTEST, themed: ‘WE ARE STORIES' . "We are stories that made up the meaning of our existence" "We are stories 'cos we are written in language of survival" "We are stories 'cos everything is a little broken thing" "We are stories that touch the lives of other's stories" . Participants should note that Judges will be focused on ORIGINALITY, WORD ECONOMY, adherence to THEME, CREATIVITY in LANGUAGE and STYLE as well as the use of LITERARY DEVICES in each entry. . PRIZE TO BE WON: The winning poem will be awarded a cash prize of N5000, a certificate of award and a copy of the 2018 anthology of All top 10 poems, with a 30 minutes INTERVIEW. . GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION: Contestants are invited to submit one poem on the them...