The wheel of hope by jamiu Ahmed

THE WHEEL OF HOPE In a world where; Tomorrow hide under a mask; And lost in the terrain of mystery; Waking up from the bed of dead hope; Having no clue of the color; The sky might display; No cognition of what; The day might present; Time flies for it's purpose; So everyone just keep moving; And riding on the wheel of hope; Growing up as a kid; Was like a baby,Trying to walk; For the first time,but fell; Painfully encouraging, but; No! No!! No!!!,you have not seen; The end of this baby, may be; That's the reason his wobbled frame; Crawled and combed every street; Searching For clouds with silver lining; Wondering why his stars are not shining; As if it will never end there; No! No!!No!!!,you have not seen; The graduated child of then; Now a glorified slave; Living under the roof of pang; Roving with shadow of penury; Vending with sweat for penny; No one could feel the agony; Life has meted upon him; Still he never loose his will; "He neve...