I AM A GAY -After burnt men by Romeo oriogun. . Don't read these lines with your eyes. But, read with your open mind. How can I define gay men without burning myself into an unborn being. I asked a brother that; who are gay men? He said: -Gay men are sex beings -Gay men are merry-coloured -Gay men are light-hearted Can you kiss a true gay without running into your mother's womb for another re-born? Gay men have no mission. They don't have a language. I have watched a lady sleeping with her shadow and later got pregnant. See madness. Child of the world. Is this world not running to the abode of 666?. I realized gay men are lackadaisical being. Gay men don't die easily. But they're not immortal. For this poem. I have slept on a alter of another's man dream. Don't be a scaremaonger. If you want to live peacefully: Jot your words underneath your palms and see how you will glow. Am about to become a gay. But, dont tell me how to do i...