THE BUTTERFLIES DO DIE . You hold hands together like children from the same mother. Your eyes holding the strings of happiness you've always wanted. You love her. I mean, a female friend of yours in the same University. You have this mutual feelings for her. But you never told her for once. In the same course on likely the same seat. You do feel wet anytime you sit beside her. Your imagination carve you into pieces of lost thoughts. I swear, you will die the day you confront your feelings for her, your mind said. Leaving all stain with teardrop. I think she will brutalize me, I think she will melt me, my mind keeps hunting with callous questions, I was intrapersonally insane. One night, you both sat underneath a Green perfumed tree. Full of jungle fruits with smelly flowers. It was deep late, On campus. You love talking your life outside. She hate that. She loves laughing much. So, anything you say that sound foolish, she do laugh it out. She never wanted to snub you. Never. ...