
Showing posts from October 29, 2017


LOYAL DOG Loyal Dog, Tail dance at the sight of Master, All for a Piece of Bone, Every step, Looking to and fro for intruder to devour. Oh Dog! Think Think, Master devour Thousands of Fresh meats, But your teeth consume the Bones, Yet he said Bones are your favourite. Master Live under a Roof But here you are Watching In the Scorching sun In the merciless Rain, Wash and dry. Pains and Tears, All to serve a pot belly fool. Who spend his night Snoring like a Satisfied Pig. Oh Loyal Dog! You race after Enemies, With Life at high risk, All for a Bone to crack, Yet master has never look at you And bestow to you a room out of his Mansions. Yet your loyalty knew no bound. Loyal Dog! Think Think Think You all the time, If You die, Life Goes on. Oh thou Loyal Dog, Think, Think, Think. -JOSEPH JASEF 2017©


SATURDAY'S LECTURE LIFE BEFORE,DURING AND AFTER SCHOOL BY POET EMMANUEL. As an intro, let's all look into the real world today. What do you see? What do I see? What do we all see together? ... Am happy to tell you that we see reality! And this reality is that EDUCATION in this part of our world heads towards asylum. But, firstly I'd love to ask this question. WHAT IS EDUCATION??? ... Just one responder please Well .... Education from my own perspective of which I know applies to the whole people living in this part of the world I reside, is defined as a process of; 1) Learning 2) Unlearning 3) Countering Knowledge 4) Creating Knowledge 5) Living. Hence, if anything you involve in doesn't do all of this above listed points, Then it shouldn't be regarded as being EDUCATION. and here exactly lies the problem!.. ... This part of the world we are believe that EDUCATION is simply the act of sitting inside a four jointed wall in the form of a room w...