A TWO LANGUAGE POETRY. IGBO & YORUBA TITLED ONYE AKA MMEPU _(Free Hotspot)_ BY:- JOSEPH JASEF Price paid, Purchased and Claimed, The beautiful Damsel, ADAMMA 1 of our Century, OSUKWU, Our awaiting "BEAUTIFUL ONES ARE YET TO BE BORN" Her skin glitters like a Diamond, Producing rays at sun shine. His Long time girlfriend, Finally Hooked to him for better for worse. The mother of his Unborn babies, Now she step her feet into the House. NKITA, Ring is never a barrier, The way for all men, After pledging never to cheat, After pledging to remain faithful forever, Yet Men lay with her on the Matrimonial bed. ONYE AKA MMEPU, A free hotspot all men connect to. MA OCHA, MA OJI, MA OGOLOGO HA NINE DI YA MMA N'AHU "UWA SIRI IKE ! " Ignorant man Suffer tommy fasting, Yes because the Dog he married is barren, I Pity you dear Husband. O BURU NA NWANYI NA AKWA IKU EBUGHI ONWE YA, OGBUO DI YA. Why wont she be, After severals of Secret Abort...