WHEN YOU TASTE YOURSELF #Fiction. The night was not at her best concentration. Echoes of overlapping voices beginning to settle behind our backyard, I am not just alone.But Indoor. My mother left that night to vigil. She probably not come home that night. My father's out for work. I don't know the nature of his job - I guess it's like something related to Engineer due to the color of his clothe. My sister and brother are far asleep. You know how you feel when darkness is the only friend keeping you company. My mind was stucked into a bag of fears. Eyes becoming heavy to see clearly. The voice breaking at any slight of a pronounced sentence. I stood. Walking like a bewildered wind. I probably die tonight if case become worse. The voice still at the best of its existence. I thought of waking my sister, but she do sleep like this is her last dinner - I guess she do swallow something; perhaps, drug,drink,smoke, but she never snore and her mouth nor body never smell. My brot...