EMOTIONS Emotions are arrows of lightn'ng, it makes man small as dust 'fore wind. yet, these 'motions speak in silence; silences louder than voices. these emotions are shown yet not with utterances but mutters that only the heart understands. but this heart is a wax; it melts as coals of scattering fire and if you quest to unravel the mind, you might at times get lost or b' mentally imprisoned cos' the mind itself is a prison with no doors. so on a quest, your mind might meet scatters of brightness. emotions are in languages: the onion is separative could mean i miss you and if she says the moon is melting the ice, she doesn't understand her friend. and she could say what she won't say, like: the stars are falling oceans. the rainbow appears in my room. the rain is growing inside me. the precious rose is growing on my thorn. and when she 's otherwise, she could say what she won't say, like: i have lost my long noon shadow....