POETRY INVOICE📝 INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES FIFTEEN Submitted Writers: Prince joe Dkings Judiasky Eazypoet Noblepen Jhay --- ------------------------------- "The complexity of life is by understanding the simplicity of yourself" [Prince joe] --------------------------------- "The holiness of insanity is based on one's interpretation of life. We are all insane" [Noble Pen] ------------------------------- "When the gods want to bless us, they punish us. When God wants to bless us, He blesses us" [JUDAISKY CARES] ________________________ "this life is a dream, but only death can wake us up from the sleep" [EazyPoet] ----------------------------------- "Take away the holy spirit from the church it becomes a viewing center" [Dkings] ------------------------------------- "Let the primary education be strong, And that child will never get it wrong. Let the primary education be weak, And that child wi...