we do not sing with voices wowed with sweet volume,
We walk, wallowing swallowing the seeds
That travels like drops of rain
In our throats.
We get addicted easily to the salty tears that stands on our foreheads
Whenever we break the shell of a new dawn
And keep the new eggs of life tortures .
We break the yolk in our eyes
Round like rim of tyres
Bleeding hotness
And pain yawning through our voices.
We feed the sunshine rising under our armpits,
We admit the moon is like a boy who feels the same too.
We rise and fall farther than our hearts can reach,
We preach of justice, but burden keeps lurking around us like spirits.
We tell of tales sung as songs around a table
Where we build trust, trusting time will never fail.
We buy offerings and bury our pamphlets under our pillows,
We are welcomed, where our fathers didn't build his stable.
Songs sometimes become a dwelling place
Where we forgot to teach our souls how to pray,
Songs sometimes becomes a ghostly walker of teachings.
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