I'm Adeniran joseph(Prince joe) the HOST for today, & with me i have my GUEST, Tobi Abiodun. Grab a seat as we take you to the realms of this beautiful section.

H: Sir, let's commence because people( your lovers) are eager to hear from you. Especially me.

Can you please, tell us a breif introduction about yourself by playing with pun(Like what you love doing best)

G: I am Toby. Poet and spoken word artist.

I am tight like 1/10th of your income

H: Wow! I feel you. Great.

Ok. That was too brief anyways. Sir Tobi, can you tell us why you love doing or being a performer. Because if you don't love it, you won't be doing it, & why are you doing it, is it for fame or money?

G: I'm sorry the intro was short..

I am a man, scrap that, a guy of few words. Okay. Drop the Sir thing.

For the fame, no.
For the money, it wasn't part of the plan when I started but, right now, money is involved.

H: Hmmm. Great. That's serious. 

But, i still don't get you, you're not doing it for fame, but now, for Money.  That means, all you're after is to make money in being a performer or what? Kindly explain better for our best understanding.

G: Okay..

First, I am not a spotlight person, although I most times find myself in it. But I've never worked to become popular or to become famous.

I started writing to express myself and it hasn't changed.
I perform to express my thoughts, not for fame or money.
However, overtime I learnt that it's okay to get paid for doing what I do best. That's where money comes in.

H: Now I get you, i was scared before. Great choice.

I love something about you, your boldness, you know what to say, & how to say it at the right time. What really inspired you into writing Literature, cos I heard you somehow hated literature before, why in it now, how come?

G: yeah..  I never liked literature. I'm sure it's cause of the way I was exposed to it.
I always ran out of literature classes in high school, it was always boring to me coupled with the fact that I was a science student, I had physics already which took all my interest at that time.

In 2012/13, I met a girl on facebook. Fell for her. She was a poet,  I started writing to impress her.. That's how it started. I discovered the power of poetry..  I saw it was more than Shakespeare..
Schools need to learn this.. Let children, students know that poetry is beyond Shakespeare...

Poetry is a Life to be lived. Ever since I discovered that, it's been a no going back movement.

H: This is a testimony. I love this. A girl inspired you into writing, wow! I'm speechless.

You're a science student. That's crazy!

So, who are the poets or writers you do read then that moved you more to love literature the more, and what did you see in their works?

G: The first poet I  read remains the girl, her name is Winner.

After Winner I read Tony Afejuku, Titilope Sonuga, Chris Abbani, Alan Spence, Leona Binz.

Right now I read Warsan Shire, Nick Makoha, Safia ElHillo, Darius Simpson Rudy Francisco, Neil Hilborne, I can't mention all..

There are distinction features possessed by each writer/poet I encounter or read.
For each of these features I find a way to carve out mine. Not just a science student.  A mechanical engineering graduate.

H: I celebrate you, sir. You're such a great and promising poet. Interesting.

So, just imagine you're told to write something, maybe a poem. It must be literature, & it must be presented within 24 hours. You were given that same day. & it must be preformed, the reward worth 4.5million naira. More than 12 minutes performance it must be. How do you go about such? & can you do it, is it for me the money or what will you do it for?

G: My best poems take months to perfect.

I will definitely write and perform but they definitely won't get the best of my writing. How to go about it.

Research on the given topic and let your creativity do its work.

H: Really? Nice. Interesting.

But, do we actually need to research on poetry before performing? I think it's muse, so you don't need to stress yourself. The muse will do the rest. Cos I only thought Articles are meant to be sincerely researched, so, what are the things you research in writing your poem and why?

G: Muse isn't what forms your poem.. Muse only triggers it.

Not doing research on what your muse gives will end in you giving out watery pieces.

If your muse tells you to write a love poem, do a research on love.
There are more than a thousand ways to write a love poem, more than a thousand plot, more than a thousand stories, find something new, some way new. Don't do it the old way... That's one of the essence of researching your topic.

1. It enriches your writing. Gives it details.
2. Broadens your creativity
3. Widens your audience appeal in the long run.

H: Really? Wow! Great. Like seriously, you're great at what you do best.

So, when writing, what are the best figures of speech you love using? & why do you love using them, do they heal something in you or how?

G: I do not have a special or special figures of speech that I use. I use what works for what I'm trying to convey.

What people know me for is Wordplay though..

I use Wordplay a lot. This is because it's how I pass my messages.

Generally, you'll find wordplays, pun, imageries, metaphors, similes etc in my poems.. But, I am not a fan of alliterations, onomatopoeia and the likes...
They turn me off in a way

H: No wonder. I so much love when you play on words. It creates hallelujah in my head.

So, I will challenge you at this point.

Write 5 line of poetry, based on erotic. I mean, ero-thic with the use of your wordplay. Avoid the usage of vulgar languages.

Let's see how creative you're like you do run us mad.

G: She says she loves my balls,
I give her free-licks, the penalty is pleasure.
I wrap my tongues around her neck like a turtleneck,
Then prod her depth to test the strength of her material, the last she should do is 'neck'.
I make her wet like the pool of Siloam then dive in for sexual healing.
I watch her clothes takeoff like airplanes,
Then put her senses on flight mode as I fly her Virgin Atlantic.

H: Hmmm. First, you against the rule. I said, 5 line. You wrote more than but you did a great job! I love it. I can see how creative and very strict to your work. You really wanted us to taste the best of the depth.  We did.

So, let's move to your performance.  Hmmm, ok.  What has been your challenges so far in performing, & how do you overcome them?

G: In performing. It's body movement.. 

I still have a lot of work to do with my body sentence construction...
I have  currently enrolled in a Drama/Art school for that intent.

H: Great. You have really created a big something for this performing. Interesting.  3 more questions before the audience ask you theirs.

So, sir, can you tell us something promising about spoken word, is it something that could heal this country, or what? & how is it possible if it could heal?

G: Well, for a sick person, a single drug cannot/ may not completely bring healing.

I don't think spoken word will be able to heal the country. Cause right now, a revolution is what we need and the revolution isn't just talk but action.

So, spoken word poetry will be a catalyst to the healing but won't be the healer...

H: Good. Interesting. I love that. I feel the boldness.

Sir, is there any difference between public speaking and spoken word & spoken word and spoken word poetry? Any difference? And what makes the difference?

G: Yes. Yes. Yes.

The difference between the three is POETRY

H: How?

G: Public Speaking is an oratory art. It involves storytelling.

Spoken word is an oratory art too, it involves rhetorics and the likes.

Spoken word poetry is an expressive art, it uses poetry as its weapon.

H: yes! Good. Thank you.

Sir, where do you expect to see yourself in 20 years time from now in your field as a performer?

G: Hehehe... Toughest question tonight...

Well, I want to see myself in a place where people talk about my works and say 'this Toby is a prophet'

H: Prophet. So wild.

So, any Questions for our GUEST.  Just signify, I will accept just 3 questions before I end this interview.

Esk_veks(member): Alright.
It's been an awesome moment with you tonight, Mr. Toby. Thanks your time.

I wanna ask. What else do you do if you're not writing or performing?

The other leg is. Have you ever been criticized that you felt like quitting? What motivated you to continue.

What's your advice for budding spoken word artist?

G: Well, I have my engineering career. I'd make a good footballer too.

Yes, I have.  I remember a time I was booed. Had sachets of water thrown at me. I gave up first, then bounced back later.
I was motivated by the drive to just express, and to prove to myself that I could overcome my introversion .

Advice for budding spoken word poets.
Read more, write often.
Don't rush your works. Let them go through process. And please go through process too, no shortcuts, learn, unlearn and grow.

Esk_veks: Oh! Thanks a lot.
Well answered.

H: Great.

Any question again?

Esk_veks( member):

Wanna ask again:

What's the muse behind your spoken word poetry you titled: "The Revolution?"

I'm a fan of it.

G: Well,  the muse is the title..

The Revolution...

I'm happy you liked it.

H: So, lastly, before you bid goodbye. What should we be expecting from you or what are your plans for poetry?

G: Well,  expect continuous growth.

An elevated level of poetic artistry.

I plan to publish a poetry book once I'm settled. Make some videos and a few more audios soonest.

H: more blessing & more wits to you.

Thank you for coming, we really do appreciate you. Now, we have come to the end of tonight's HOT SEAT.

Good night.

G: Thanks.

The END.


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