Welcome to today's Section of interview. I am Adeniran Joseph, with me I have a female prolific writer. Her pen bleeds an ink of purity and humanity. Hence the interview begins!! 


Can you do a brief introduction about yourself?

My name is Precious Osikha popularly known as Precious Pen. A simple and enterprising young lady. I am a Legal Practitioner, Writer,  Blogger, Entertainer, Facial Model, an aspiring OAP and Author.
I hail from Owan East Local Government Area of Edo State. Had my Primary and Secondary school in Benin, graduated from the prestigious faculty of Law Ambrose Alli University and proceeded to Nigerian Law School Abuja and served at Anambra State.


What motivated you into writing?

Well, when I was as a very young girl I had a flare for Entertainment. I watched movies and I had some experiences. Each time i went through any of these I always picked up my pen and paper to note them down. I loved novels too. So i also wanted to try out how well I could pen some notable facts. With time it became a part of me and I saw myself into writing. I would say God and life experiences motivated me. Its my own best tool for communication.


What are the things you have experienced so far in writing world?

Learning new words. Trying out new imageries. Creativity. Challenges and set backs.


What have been your best achievement so far in writing?

Well since you used 'so far' I will say running my own writers blog. Although i have other achievements but what I earlier mentioned is my best achievement so far.


What brings up the name "precious pen"--?

In 2014, I decided to push my talent for the outer world to see. So i thought of writing online and making a brand for myself. I opened a facebook page of which I kept thinking what name would be fine and most suitable to draw audience. I slept over it and adding Pen to my first name was the perfect combo. At first I was a bit skeptical but I realised the world was so pleased with it.
Precious Pen isn't just me or my name. It's a brand. Many people make up Precious Pen.


Ok. Sorry, are you married or single?

Am single.


Sorry, is there any attachment to that single. Maybe because of work or what exactly. Since you're a graduate and you have done all things needed to be done in educational aspect?

Well nothing. I am single. I got no emotional thingy.


When you started writing. Who do you look foward to become or more than?

I look forward to becoming more than her; Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie.


What are your plans now in writing?

Actually,am currently running a Thursday weekly series known as Tales by Moonlight. So i intend making it a life time series to portray African creativity of short stories in a very unique style. I also intend to publish my first book.
Then create an avenue for all literary people to grow and be well appreciated across the world.

Good news.

How do you get your stories together? Is it from experience or emotions?

Honestly I can't explain it.
Sometimes experience,  other times emotions. In fact there are times I just sit and am in deep thoughts and stories begin to display like movies in my mind. I think the fact that am an Actress contributed to it.

Can you tell us your likes,dislikes and Hobbies?

I like honesty, humility and loyalty.
I dislike cheating,  pride and demeaning words or actions.
I am passionate about writing and entertainment.
My Hobbies are writing, singing, acting, dancing, watching movies, surfing the net.

What's your best quote ever?

My Best quote is "We are powerful beyond measures and silence is golden"

Do you have any plans for publishing a book?

My first book is still pending because I have read a lot of books and I can't really phantom which is my best.
Watch out for my forth coming book. A collection of 20 Short Stories which will cut across life.

In all your stories so far, which one is your best in all?

My best story that I enjoyed is Unforeseen enchantment which is on my blog at the moment.

Hmm. Pathetic.

Where do you expect to meet yourself in 5years to come?

5years,I should be clocking 30. Lol.  I should have retired. It may sound funny but i don't intend to work for anybody. I just wish to enjoy the dividend of my hard work at this young age.
Therefore, i should have been able to groom so many writers.
Publish several books and have them on international journals.
I should have been able to achieve other dreams too.

So what can you say to upcoming writers that are just coming up into literally world. What advice do you have for them according to your experience?

My advice for writers is for us to brace up ourselves and reach our goals. We should help one another and not pull the other down. Greatness is in you.

Wow! Thanks a lot ma'm for your precious time spent here. Hope to see you some other time?

Sure. Thanks for this opportunity too. I'm honored.

And we have come to the End of today's Section of Interview with our prolific writer.We hope you have learnt or even known precious pen more than you should. Reading this should have given you who she really is. Thanks for reading us. Actually she's running a whatsapp group for only literally people. Named"Naija Street Fiction" If you're fully interested to be part of this development. Contact:+2348102947083.
If you're also really to read her works,
below is the blog link;




The interview went with a dynamic rate.Much love.
Unknown said…
It is such a great deal, that writers are 'walking up' is such a smile to put to the face too.
The emergence of this is such applaudable Prince Joe. Well done.
Well done Precious Pe.
Liberal Poetry said…
This is brilliantly done Prince Joe, I look forward to see her.
Liberal Poetry said…
Brilliantly done Prince Joe, I look forward to see her.

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