Eclipse of a Virgin One by prince Joe.


ON a Saturday morning, the cloud was captivating and fascinating in a fainted mood. Everyone thought it about rain;which is going to seriously delayed church service.So they became fearful and optimistic in a distance away, than guessing to be in thought of not going to church.

Under the roof of Mr. Macus,a room was filled-up with varieties of new designers clothes, which was jam-packed  on a white-stuffy chair, but none of the clothes were bought buy Amaka,  the only daughter of Mr. Macus,when she vowed to lie to her step mother,while her biological mother was a year late. But here she's, on bed,daydreaming about her lover;they have started their relationship from secondary school(SS2) which was low-key relationship they'd then, but now in higher institution, old things are pass away. They can now do things in an open place, kiss, smooch, romance or anything. Wasn't a problem. Cos they truly love themselves.

"Amaki".her step mother  which she call,WITCH shouted ontop of her voice which was even the wrong pronouciation,that alone as given Amaka the liver to duel with her, she stood up from bed and left the door  widely opened like a drunkard.

She walked in haste to the sitting room.Unfortunately, she met the woman sitting on a chair like a fainted widow,Amaka mute, expecting her to talk first, the woman never seems to know the existence of Amaka while standing, both of them never talk.Suddenly,Amaka spoke in a solemn voice,
"You called me".Amake asked with an awfully face.

The woman glanced through Amaka's body from head till toe, she stood up like wanting to confront her, but she never did.

"His that your greeting?". The witch said.

Amaka's eyes were sucked inside and started producing water of undiluted offspring, because she never expected that silly question that sound like an apology to her own self.

"Was that why you called me?". Amaka snobed.

The woman was flabbergasted, and said he annoyance.

"Why're you so rude?". The witch spoke out with frustration.

Amaka didn't even felt the effectiveness of the words, as she was still hoping to hear more from her while standing.
Pointing to her room and applying law of scarmer.She took a step back,trying to go inside her room.

"Hope you're not leaving?".The with declared.

Amaka's mind fainted inside, every words of the woman was just boring, nothing seems hearable.As Amaka said like a last word  she would ever utter, before she left.

"Woman,firstly,my name is Amaka not Amaki and besides, am not your daughter;find for her wherever she's, am out of this stinky, stuffy and naughty room".Amaka she left.

The woman conciously cried as she sat on an hopeless chair, soliloquizing on her lost daughter that left the house without no whereabout.

Sunday afternoon, Amaka crossed-legs outside the house seated  all by herself. Anticipating to see her love, they have both communicated to meet in the house,this Sunday, meanwhile, it was first Sunday of the month, which was Holy communion services .The step mother ready to kick-off to church, the husband wasn't around to take them out, only for her to decide, to board a cab or Mount a bike.

"Ahh! Lord of mercy, what are you doing outside by this time?".The witched sighted.

Amaka never seems to make a move or even answer the silly question, she mute while reading a magazine on her hand;while taking a seep of a fruit juice bought by her love.

"Am I not talking to a being?".The witch said in annoyance.

Amaka was still mute, just that she seems to be comfortable with the noisy voice of her step-mother forming lunatics here about, as she stood up.

"Stop there".The witch declared.

Amaka make a pause for a while as she was expecting her to slap or do anything funny, cos she had planned to faint if any dirty hand of her touches her.

"Amaka why doing like a baby? ".The witch urged.

  Amaka became a threats to herself, as she heard a solemn knock on the gate.

She walked majestically towards the gate in her mind that it was her love, as she opened the gate, to her surprise it was.

To be continued...


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