THE SUCCESSOR 2.

[DANIEL jumps off his bed as his shout from his dream echoes so heavy in the room as MARVEL, his roommate, wakes up]

MARVEL: ( rushes to meet him) guy, awfa na? You shouted from your sleep, what happened?
DANIEL:( rubs his face with his bedsheets) ehh, I had a dream.
MARVEL: dream?
DANIEL: yes, dream. It's so scary. I cannot even place it.
MARVEL: we need to pray, daniel. you're a child of God, you shouldn't be scared with just a dream.
DANIEL: yes, but this is so scary.
MARVEL: (He holds his hands) let's pray.


[NEXTDAY--MORNING, HOSTEL: MARVEL rushes in with joy as he meets DANIEL playing game on his phone]

MARVEL: (with a bold smile) Daniel, Daniel, guess what?
DANIEL: You know I am not good at guessing, just tell me what happened, tell me?
MARVEL: Just try, just give it a try. Guy!
DANIEL: Oops! See, my mind is occupied right now. I cannot place it. Just tell me whatever thing that got you filled with so much joy.
MARVEL: Ok. I will, since you cannot even try(clears throat)
DANIEL: Talk now!
MARVEL: You have just got shortlisted among the list of people that are now part of Drama Unit.
DANIEL: really? OMG!
MARVEL: this is indeed a Good morning!
MARVEL: Of course, it is.
DANIEL: I feel fulfilled. Thank you so much for your support. I never knew I had this acting of a thing untill I met you. Thank you, I'm indeed grateful.
MARVEL: Its nothing. Let's thank God. I am so happy for you, even though I have been in Drama Unit since 100l, it's so hard for me to really see you gets being shortlisted, due to the criterias and your little flaws, but God knows the best. Congratulations!
DANIEL: Thank you. I never thought of it that way, I just went for the audition just to do my best, even though it is my first time. But now that I'm now a Drama member, I will engage myself with thorough reading of Drama materials and what it entails. I must not disappoints you.
MARVEL: not me, I am just human. It's better you don't disappoints God.
DANIEL: ride on pastor!
DANIEL: what?
MARVEL: I told you I am not a pastor, I'm just an evangelist as you now.
DANIEL: You that you can pray from morning till night, there is no day that you don't read your Bible. Haba! Don't you gets tired!
MARVEL: oh, really? Let's me tell you, the amount you spend in reading your Bible or praying is not equal to your tendency in becoming a pastor, what's expected is your true relationship with God. And that's all. I don't even see myself becoming a pastor, I'm in love with Drama Ministry. It's my call.
DANIEL: hmm, that's true. Well done sir.
MARVEL: (smiles) o serious.
DANIEL: so, when is the next meeting?
MARVEL: this Saturday. You will be added to the WhatsApp group, later today.
DANIEL: Ok. Good to hear that.
MARVEL: But one more thing?
DANIEL: which is?
MARVEL: always rely on Him.
DANIEL: Who is the Him?
MARVEL: Holy spirit.
DANIEL: hmmm
MARVEL: I will see you later in the evening, I have to do something in library. (He taps him passionately as he leaves)
DANIEL: (His phone rings)

CALLER: hello, my boy
DANIEL: Dad, how are you?
CALLER: I'm fine, son. And how's studies?
DANIEL:  fine. Fine.
CALLER: Good to hear that.
DANIEL: what about mummy, I hope she is fine?
CALLER: your mummy is fine, she is indeed fine.
DANIEL: Ok. Ehh, Dad, I have something to tell you
CALLER: go on, I'm all ears.
DANIEL: I just got shortlisted to be part of my school Drama Unit.
CALLER: drama unit, what's that all about?
DANIEL: It's about ministering to poeple through Drama
CALLER: really? Is that what I sent you to do in school? Ministering, right?
DANIEL: Dad, is not like that. It's just...
CALLER: (cut in) don't try to tell me anything, I don't want to hear, anything! Don't you know this kind of thing gets you distracted, don't you?
DANIEL: Dad it's not like that..
CALLER: (cut in) so, it's like what? Tell me? You wants to keep doing what I know could distract your focus. See son, ever since you were born, I have never seen or hear you act. In fact, none of my families or your mother's family is into acting. What's it about? It's just a waste of energy and time!
DANIEL: It's not. Dad, try to hear me out. I thought you said my studies is primarily, and any other thing could come up, and I should have fun with it, and you also told me that...
CALLER: (cut in) are you using my words against me? Daniel, are you trying to use my words against me right now?
DANIEL: Dad, I'm not. And I cannot. I just want you to know that, this is what I love doing. I find peace in it. And I think you should love it too.
CALLER: oh, really? I don't love things that doesn't add up to my future. Don't you get me?
DANIEL: But Daddy, I think you should understand my perspective on this.
CALLER: You know nothing about Drama. If you wants to play ball, do it, at least, footballers are earning billions out there, I will take you out of this country, you will be fine, don't just do drama or whatever you call it. You hear me?
DANIEL: Are you saying that Drama is bad?
CALLER: I never said that!
DANIEL: So, what are you saying?
CALLER: son, maybe we will talk about this later. I need to attend to something very urgent right now. Talk to you later. Bye.
DANIEL: But wait...


DANIEL: (In deep thought) what's wrong in being a Drama Minister?


[NEXDAY--AFTERNOON, H.O.D'S OFFICE: The H.O.D awaits DANIEL arrival as he is seen seated on his chair watching News from the Tv's screen]

DANIEL: (Knocks)
HOD: come in.
DANIEL: Good afternoon sir
HOD: afternoon.
DANIEL: (frightens) you called for me, sir?
HOD: obviously, yes. Any problem with that decision?
DANIEL: Not at all, sir. It's just so unusual.
HOD: I see. Anyways, you can sit down.
DANIEL: (Sits)
HOD: Daniel?
DANIEL: Yes, sir?
HOD: Of recent, I was going through your test and your performances ever since you resumed. And you, as a student, we knew you to be a brilliant student. And not someone that settles for lesser grades. You are always taking the top. But with what I have been seeing with the record with me, something is wrong somewhere.
DANIEL: Ehh sir, What could that be?
HOD: You are not doing well again, what's wrong?
DANIEL: (in shock) sir?
HOD: You heard me well!
DANIEL: (scratches his head in guilt) I don't get what you're saying sir.
HOLD: oh, like I am speaking in other tongues?
HOD: so, what are you saying that, you don't get me? I know you as one of the Top student in this department, but I am afraid, with this kind of record so far, I am really scared about your exams!
DANIEL: I will work on myself sir.
HOD: is it that something is wrong, talk to me.
DANIEL: I am fine sir
HOD: You are not fine, at all. I'm seeing with this, that you are getting distracted, is it?
DANIEL: I think it's not what you think, sir
HOD: then get your body and soul together and be your best that you have wanted to be, I mean, that we wanted you to be.
DANIEL: There will be changes sir. I promise.
HOD: negative?
DANIEL: Positive, sir.
HOD: Good. Look, I know you 're getting distracted with some activities, you have a lot of time to do that, what matters now, is you being doing fine in your academics. Do you get me?
DANIEL: I do sir.
HOD: I hope to see changes.
DANIEL: You will, sir. Thanks for this, sir. I really appreciate this.
HOD: It's nothing. You're one of the students I really love so much, you worth more than this.
DANIEL: I am sorry sir. I will adjust myself better.
HOD: You can go now. I'm done. Close the door after you.
DANIEL: Ok, sir. (He stands up as he leaves the office).


(SAMEDAY--EVENING, BOY'S HOSTEL: MARVEL comes in with a sad face as he approaches DANIEL]
MARVEL: But Daniel, what really happened today, I thought I told you that there is an impromptu meeting for the new members. And I actually called you, you didn't still pick my calls, and i even texted you, you didn't reply. What happened? You wants to start with this, by not going for meetings, it's not done like this if you don't know! (he sits with anger)
DANIEL: I am sorry. I just don't feel I am ready to be part of Drama Unit.
MARVEL: (in shock) did I hear you right?
DANIEL: Of course you did.
MARVEL: But, I don't seem to get you again. What's wrong?
DANIEL: is anything wrong in making a decision that I feel would distract my goal?
MARVEL: What are you saying?
DANIEL: and what can you hear, tell me, what?
MARVEL: I don't get you?
DANIEL: Maybe you have ear problem. You need to treat yourself.
MARVEL: Ok. Calm down, I want to be clear on this, are you saying, you are no longer coming for drama meetings again?
DANIEL: I never said that!
MARVEL: Oh. Good. Then, what did you say? Or what are you trying to say?
DANIEL: (Moves closer to him) I said, I am not interested in any Drama Unit again. I don't want to be a Drama Minister, you don't get?
MARVEL: Daniel?
DANIEL: That's my name!
MARVEL: I cannot believe this. Like seriously, are you serious with what you're saying?
DANIEL: I mean every word.
MARVEL: Hmmm, Daniel...
DANIEL: (His phone rings) excuse me, I have to pick this very important call. And mind you, I have said my own(he leaves)
MARVEL: (In deep thought). I seem not to get this. Did Daniel just told me he is not interested in the work of God again? Can serving God be a problem? I don't get this! There is better explanation to this.


[NEXTDAY--CLASSROOM, DRAMA MEETING: WALE approaches MARVEL as he drags him to a corner for a discussion)

MARVEL: Wale, what happened, you are scaring me, what?
WALE: calm down. Ehh, the script for drama night is not out, in fact, I have not written it at all.
MARVEL: So, how's that my problem?
WALE: I just want you to help me out. I'm on writer's block right now. Nothing is coming. I'm stuck!
MARVEL: So, who told you that I write script? You know I am just in prayer unit in Drama house. I don't know anything about script or story writing.
WALE: That's exactly why I'm here. I know you as a prayerful person, and if you can pray fervently, maybe God would just drop something in your heart, then, I will use that to write story. You get?
MARVEL: (smiles) Wale?
WALE: sir?
WALE: Sir?
MARVEL: Are you sure you're fine?
WALE: Of course I am fine.
MARVEL: I doubt it. Because if not, you won't be telling me to start praying for God to get a revelation for you to write on it. How?
WALE: exactly my point, revelation! Kai. You got it right. See ehh, it's not the way you think it is, being a script writer doesn't mean a prayer warrior cannot also help in cases like this. I know you don't write, I know your life is just prayer. But I am sure, that at least, in your secret place, God drops some deep things for you, you just tell me, I am sure that would help. Please.
MARVEL: So, you're saying I don't know more than praying, abi? It's fine. I think I know what you're trying to say. It seems you wants me to get a message for you, right?
WALE: ahh, God will punish you!
MARVEL: wtf!
WALE: sorry, I mean, God will bless you. I'm sorry, I was overjoyous. Pardon me..
MARVEL: You better watch it.
WALE: I will.
MARVEL: It's fine. If I have any message, I will let's you know.
WALE: tomorrow abi?
MARVEL: Why not come today?
WALE: I won't mind oo
MARVEL: wale?
WALE: sir?
MARVEL: And you said nothing is wrong with you?
WALE: nothing sir
MARVEL: You need deliverance. You're just telling me something now, and you're expecting result now, how?
WALE: I'm sorry. Till when then?
MARVEL: Wait till the end of this month.
WALE: ahhhhh!
WALE: drama night is in 3 weeks time.
WALE: please, make it this week, please.
MARVEL: I have heard you. I will work on it from now on. Soon, you will receive my feedback.
WALE: I will appreciate it so much. God bless you.
MARVEL: (Smiles) Amen. Can I go now?
WALE: Of course. You can.
MARVEL: Thank you.(he leaves to the meeting)


[SAMEDAY--EVENING, BOY'S HOSTEL: MARVEL walks in as he sees DANIEL busy writing on his PC]

MARVEL: Daniel?
DANIEL: Yes, what happened?( typing)
MARVEL: What is this you're typing?
DANIEL: Have you forgotten I write stories? I just got inspired today to write on something, and I needed to write the synopsis not to forget.
MARVEL: Brilliant. That actually skipped my mind. God!
DANIEL: (He stops typing) what happened to you, why the sudden happiness?
MARVEL: I should be happy. With this writing you're doing, this could serve as a powerful tool in bringing people to Christ.
DANIEL: Don't you people have script writers?
MARVEL: Of course we have.
DANIEL: So, why me? And by the way, I thought I said I am not interested in any Drama thing again
MARVEL: (sits beside him) daniel, don't get wiped off by your so called determination by not gaining what God has for you. He said in his words that, His plans for you, are good and not evil. See ehh, I know you might be thinking that this Drama of a thing is not for you, but mind you, it's for you. Just look at what you'd, you love writing stories, God! How did I forget this that you write. I only thought you could act alone, now see how wonderful God is to you, if you don't know, God really wants you, you cannot just waste this for nothing sake, you cannot!
DANIEL: (clears throat). Are you saying that, God is calling me into being a script writer?
MARVEL: Obviously, guy.
DANIEL: Hmmm, I never thought of this before. I just write for the fun of it. At least, it's what I love doing also. And I gets rewards from the ones I submits in some literary contests
MARVEL: It's time you divert these things to God's work. I am sure by the time you're writing with the mindset of the kingdom of God, he will surely give you deeper revelations.
DANIEL: deeper revelations. That sound strange!
MARVEL: God works in strange ways.
DANIEL: I think with what you said, I don't have a choice than to be a Drama Minister.
MARVEL: and not only that!
DANIEL: And what again?
MARVEL: To become God  chosen script writer!
DANIEL: (smiles). O serious.
MARVEL: We have meeting tomorrow. Maybe you will use that opportunity to join the script writers.
DANIEL: that is a good idea. Remind me tomorrow. I'm following you for sure.
MARVEL: No problem. I will surely remind you.
DANIEL: Thank you so much, I so much appreciate you.
MARVEL: Lets thank God.


[NEXTDAY-- MORNING, BOY'S HOSTEL: MARVEL and DANIEL getting ready for drama meeting as they both walk out of the room together with a bold smile on their faces)

DANIEL: I am so happy I am joining drama unit again, I never knew I could be this useful.
MARVEL: Yes, in the house of God, nobody is idle. Because you will see one thing or the other to find yourself doing.
DANIEL: That's true.
MARVEL: In His words, he said, in my father's house, there are many mansions" what does that suggest to you?
DANIEL: hmmm, it means..( his phone rings)

DANIEL: Hello, mummy
CALLER: (shaky voice) bro daniel, this is not mummy o this is mary
DANIEL: Mary, what happened, why sounding like this?
CALLER: It's mummy o
DANIEL: What happened to my mummy?
CALLER: she is in the hospital
DANIEL: Hospi, what? How? Why? When?
CALLER: I heard her screaming from her room
DANIEL: ehh?
CALLER: by the time I got there..


DANIEL: Hello, Mary, speak to me, hello, mary!

To be continued....


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