Host: Prince Joe
Guest: Ayomide D'great

H: Now, Mr. Ayomide D'great, like we always do, kindly describe yourself in just 1 word?

G: Creativity

H: Sound indifferent like others. Ok. Sir, before we dive into tonight's topic, I am a ghost reader, I do that to some works I found so witty and trying to prove something special. You are one of them. Trust me, you write well. But then, can you tell us, why you picked  WRITING? Becasue I know you have other thing you do, is writing that important?

G: First off, writing started as something I do for fun from my childhood and as I attain maturity, my writings were also doing as well. But today, writing is a major 'cos currently I work with an Agribusiness company as a content writer/developer and information analyst.

H: Sound fulfilled. Indeed. Congratulations!
Sir, do you think you have reached your expectation in your writing so far?

G: At all, I haven't started cos I'm yet to go into the full Mainstream, I'm just heading 'Into The Spotlight'.

I'm actually strategizing on making that an easy cruise by making the voice of my pen heard even before I literally speak. It's already making sense gradually but they're more to do (so much more).

H: Wawu. More wits.
So now, let's dive into tonight's topic. Poetry and its environment.

Mr. Ayomide D'great, can you tell you, shortly, what you understand according to your experience, what poetry means to you?

G: Poetry to me simply means expression, give a voice to the voiceless, speaking the truth (no matter how bitter it is) to the society, addressing societal happens and issues and most importantly painting the picture of the fundamentals of humanity.

G: Interesting. Then, what does "environment", means to you?

G: An owned space, a platform, an opportunity, an embassy of expression...

Basically a place you can call yours without any limitations whatsoever.

H: Great response. So, let's take it from another side effect, do you think, poetry needs environment or environment needs poetry, can both work separately?

G: Everything in life (including non-living  things) needs something or someone to lean on, so as poetry and environment, both can stand as separate entities, they have to work hand in hand to achieve the common goal (reaching out to the world).

H: Hmmm, ok. Let's take it from another side effect, you as a poet, do you write from the influence of your environment or what?

G: Most times, I write from the impression I get from my environment. A fact I know that many may not agree is that there are countless impressions which exist in the subconsciousness which are unseen or unnoticed is our consciousness.

Therefore, a creative that pay attention and take notes of details will definitely   extract from this rare treasure and make something out of it... Ideas are everywhere, it's just left for the smart ones to grab.

In a nutshell, I write from the impression that comes around as regards the happens around which makes it relatable to the society especially to my readers.

H: Beautiful. Sir, in writing, what comes first, the love of environment or your poetry and why? (according to your experience)

G: There have to be a blend of the two, one side shouldn't be paramount than the other. When an idea drops into your mind, the first thing you do as a creative is to check and balance it if it is good enough for the knowledge of those that'll consume it, it's very vital you do what pleases you (your kind of craft) and also it is important you bear the love of your environment in mind.

Balance is the sanity of life, it is expedient one applies it in all ramifications.

H: Beautiful. But sir, what about in an environment that doesn't support us, and what we do, do you still think we should keep writing through the influence of the environment?

G: You can always change your space, it might be unfavourable at times, change us a constant thing, that's why most successful Nigerian writers go abroad to make a name then come back to maintain the identity. However, it is essential that a creative should still write according to his environment cos it may be perceived as unauthentic or not being original when one write about another man's culture, if at all that'll happen, there should still be a fusion of one's background which makes the creative authentic. Therefore, change of environment is most necessary for growth.

H: I am yet to be convinced, sir. You said change of environment is very important for growth, what about in a situation whereby the particular environment you writes from is very vivid in imagery and it stirs you more than your imagination, you are already addicted to the surroundings. What should you do at that moment?

G: Let's us be sincere, in as much as we appear real in our writings, we still draw the source(s) from imagination. If I may ask; what is creativity? Creativity is imagination, pictorial mind frames having fun, the end product may be of reality (i.e. thing that we can relate to or see in real life) still, imagination is still the basic.

As much as you crave the physicality of the environment, you still need creativity to solve it, and it'll help when you leave that arena (a man made for success isn't made to stay in one place).

H: I get now. Thanks.

Mr. Ayomide D'great, if you are given the chance to address the whole Nigeria, in the presence of the president, what Title will you give your poem and why?

G:The Nigeria I Want

As a patriotic citizen, I want the best that will make the standard of living a beautiful take to tell the coming generation, I want a Nigeria where the system functions and works accordingly, a Nigeria where Prime Ministers are not Crime Ministers, I want a New Nigeriaa heaven to die for... (Let me stop here, let's not get too poetic)

H: I see. Great move you have already.

What if you are given a chance to "change" something in your writing, not your environment, what will you change and why?

G: I wouldn't change anything cos I am trying to build a legacy that generations will ride on.

H: Hmm, Great. I was expecting that.

Sir,  I challenge you to write a poem on why you think your future son should marry a white lady, make sure you try to convince him, and not confuse him. Remember, your son is black. Just 5 line poem.

Your time starts now!

G: Let The World Unite As One

Let the world unite as one,
Irrespective of your race or where you're from,
If we stand as one; we won't fall, we'll rise and shine like the sun,
Let the world unite as one,
Marry the White Man's daughter dear son...

H: Wow! Thank you, for bringing the aspect of "unity", brilliant write.

Sir, can you tell us the writers you love reading and why?

G: 📍Poetolu (Tolu Akinyemi)

📍Graciano Enwerem

📍 Dwayne Carter (Though, he's an artiste, but he inspires me a lot)

📍 Wole Soyinka

They all inspire my muse...

H: Wonderful.
In absence of any questions, what do you wants to tell the budding writers or poets?

G: Keep writing, keep getting better, keep discovering newer ways to becoming a very good bard...
Your days of global recognition awaits you...

H: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you for your time spent. I really do appreciate you. More wits.

G: My pleasure, I appreciate, thanks for your time too.

The End.


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