WELCOME TO TODAY'S INTERVIEW SECTION. I AM THE HOST, WITH MY GUEST, KEEP CALM AND READ BELOW: H: Ok. Sir, kindly intro yourself to us, briefly? G: My name is Paul Joshua Uma popularly known as Paul Word, I'm a spoken word poet, actor and musician. I'm a student of university of Benin studying History H: Great. History? That's strange, can you tell us why you pick poetry or what exactly led you into poetry? G: I stumbled upon poetry at a point when I was looking for myself. More like I was on a discovery path and that happened in 2014 . H: Hmmm. Discovery path? Ok. Sound deep! Since you stumble on poetry, why don't you drop it then, what makes you keep going? G: I've always been a lover of art. Music, drawings and literature. I feel in with poetry at first before I realized I could use it as a form of expression . H: Ok. Good. What do you see poetry as In your own perspective according to your journey through out? I mean, with what poetry as given you, a...