H: Ok. Sir, kindly intro yourself to us, briefly?

G: My name is Paul Joshua Uma popularly known as Paul Word, I'm a spoken word poet, actor and musician. I'm a student of university of Benin studying History

H: Great. History? That's strange, can you tell us why you pick poetry or what exactly led you into poetry?

G: I stumbled upon poetry at a point when I was looking for myself. More like I was on a discovery path and that happened in 2014.

H: Hmmm. Discovery path? Ok. Sound deep!

Since you stumble on poetry, why don't you drop it then, what makes you keep going?

G: I've always been a lover of art. Music, drawings and literature. I feel in with poetry at first before I realized I could use it as a form of expression.

H: Ok. Good.
What do you see poetry as In your own perspective according to your journey through out? I mean, with what poetry as given you, and how far you have gone, just define poetry?

G: Poetry to me is a tool for expression. How you choose to express it is up to the wielder of the tool.

H: Expression? Ok.
Let's go into your spoken word poetry.

How do you begin to memorize your lines, what's method you used to pen your lines ?

G: Once I have an idea of a piece I want to write, I start writing. I don't rush it so most times it spans for two months. Once I get an inspiration for that piece, I write. I don't sit at once and write except on some few occasions.

H: Wow! Great. I love that.
Sir, can we say, spoken word poetry is just about, punchlines, what other things can you see or tell us that a spoken word artist must consider due to your challenges?

G: Spoken word poetry isn't about punchlines. Punchline is just part of the ingredient that makes it interesting. When writing a piece you must first have a message. That is the important thing. Your poetic device must fall in line with the message.

H: Ok. I am still yet to understand better.

But sir, in spoken word poetry, between dictions and poetic devices, which one must be considered first and essential?

G: Both are essential! Without a good dictions you won't be able to communicate your poetic devices well

H: Hmm.  That's true. Very essential. Thanks for that clarity.

Sir, can you tell us the importance of 'voice' in spoken word poetry? Do voice really matters a lot. Maybe there's a way we must always perform spoken word poetry, or another way, or what exactly?

G: This is deep but I will try to summarize. Voice is really important on the level of branding. There are poet you hear and you know them not by their works but their voice that's because they've trained their voice to a certain level that becomes and extension of themselves. Secondly, voice is important for projection sake. You can't have a timid and low pitch voice and expect to captivate your audience.
Your voice as spoken word poet is as important as your piece.

H: Ok. That's Great. Now I understand it very well. Nothing is easy.

Sir, have you ever forget your lines in any performance? Even if it happened, what do you think we could do?

G: I have. Alot. Continue performing!

H: Lol. Ok. I think most poets are scared of forgetting their lines, I have friends that do tell me such, so, they get fade off and depressed to mount the stage.

Sir, what can you call the fear of knowing what to say, but afraid to say it to multiple people, apart from phobia?

G: Stage fright.

H: Wow! Thank you. I know it's normal to have such, but with time, one must be able to fight the fright in order to flight.

4 questions to go.

Sir, can you tell those spoken word artist that inspired you through out the process of your performing and why?

G: Suli Breaks, I was able to connect with him.

H: Connect to him, in what sense? Because he talks more of education.

G: No. Because his works was something I could relate to as a youth.

H: That means, you do listen, and watch him always. You're his best fans. That great.

But sir, do spoken word poetry really have hope in changing this country, I mean, can spoken word poetry heal this country, and why?

G: It can if used correctly in the hands of the right people

H: Hmmm. Thank you. As expected.

Thirdly, sir, can you tell us those challenges you face when performing and how you overcome them?

G: Writing and I'm trying to overcome it by reading.

H: I don't understand. Why's your challenges writing?

G: I had difficulties writing in my early days and I'm trying to overcome it by reading

H: Ok. I got you.

Secondly, I wish to challenge you on page poetry to write on something, are you in
Just write 5 line of poetry on the day you never forget, make it like we reading spoken word poetry, you grab. Let's go!
G: My days are numbered,
So I choose not to count those sad days
But tuck them under your chin
While I reminisce on first day I kissed you

H: Aiye mi o I love the usage of words, beautiful.

So, now, any question. Just 1.

Member: Sir,
Pls I'll like to know if the issue between you and Toby on Facebook, using punch lines  to insult each other. I just want to know if it's serious( maybe you guys have some issues or its like ) or it's just a normal model of entertaining your funs .. .as it's been done long ago as history for told?

G: It was for fun. Google the word Flying.

H: In conclusion, sir, what do you have to say for those upcoming spoken word artist like us?

G: Do you, be you and stay you.

H: So, we have come to the end of tonight's interview.
THANK you so much Paul word, for honoring our invitation. Much love. Tonight seems so cold, and calm. You really made my night. Bless you!

Good night, everyone!

G: You're welcome. Thank you.

Paul Word is a spoken word poet, musician and actor. He is the winner of War Of Words 4, Enugu Poetry Slam and ArtHub Spoken Call. He has received several awards which include the LMA Award, Scepter Best Poet In Africa, BlackPride Poet Of The Year, Rated 6th as the best poet in Nigeria by EGC.

He is the convener of AwkWord Concert, a spoken word poetry event. He is the founder of Kulikuli.com.ng


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