I've seen girls on naked roads
Flaunting their gorgeousness
In wraps of dark and grey bliss
Girls, carrying sunrise in their eyes
To places where nights are written
Into blue skies and blissful twilights
Into songs in the throat of birds with love-ful feathers

I've not seen any like you
Whose charisma is dripping in the praises of angels

I've been to places plaited with love
Where the moon carries the photographs of lovers
The photographs of couples in their 70s
Playing in the garden situated in God's eyes
Garden where nature, beauty and art
Sit on a round table- reading poetry
Places where dreams are folded into folds of reality

If i have to choose the sweetest of them all
It has to be your arms- where love was separated from lust

I've seen days when the sun
Bend its reflections into things
In a woman's eyes- holding multitude of butterflies
Into things coined with thousands stars
And things with the serenity of beaches and tossing waves
Days when the earth is a boy
Ascending and descending in the beauty of a damsel

If I've to choose the best of them all
It was the day i walked into you and discovered who I was meant to be.

I've had memories
Memories, too sweet to write about
Of childhood friends and days
How we used to run in circles, chasing things
Like the moon at noon
And things like the sun at night
Memories of how we grew into tales
Mixed with honey in our mother's mouth

Your memories, is one whose lifespan is eternity
One worth living in- at silent night

I've been a winner in life's race
Won medals glowing with love
Medals that break my father's shoulder
Into shards of pride and happiness
I've fought with death and won
Fought with pains and won
And have fought with defeat(s) and won

If i have to choose the greatest victory of all
It has to be when i won the trophy of your heart.


Anike- eyin ju ege mi

You're like the flowers
Sowed on Solomon's eyes
That magnets him to the sight of everything- beautiful
And those things on a maiden's waist
That inscribes God's word in brown inks
On every street they step their feet
And in places like Eden- where love was naked, yet- clothed

You're the metaphors hidden in poems
That forms goosebumps on blue skins and faces
I do not know the chemistry behind words like-‘dissolve’, ‘diffuse’, ‘induce’ and ‘obsess’
Till you stretched into the vowels in my mother's name
And the consonants in her heart
Breaking me into lullabies and sweet songs of homecoming

You're the rainbows
On the tongue of every sunset
That holds the night for lovers to walk barefooted- in and out of each other's body
Thrusting the earth with silence
For them to have a feel of the feeling
That begat creation and the origin of butterflies

Last night i held your pictures
And saw the stars dripping from the sky
The moon clad itself with your shadows
And with the salient sweetness on your lips
My body went on exile with your memories
Reminiscing the day you sailed into my bones
And became a poll of thoughts- stunting in my heartbeat

Anike, here is a purple rose

For the day you ran into me with a steaming smile
And set my heART ablaze with your touch

For those nights you carved your arms as bed
And your shadow as pillow for the infant in me

For those times we walked down the hill
Holding hands and whispering sweet nothing to each other's ears

For the memories we built with love bricks
Memories that taught us to hold on to things- worth holding onto

Mother said purple is the colour of love- one, death cannot part.

© Olabisi Abiodun Akinwale
(Undiluted Poet)


Olabisi Abiodun Akinwale is a Nigerian poet and writer, who hail from Boripe local government area of Osun State. He is a graduate of mathematics from Federal University Lafia, Nasarawa state. His love for art helped him find his way through poetry. His works have featured in various anthologies, blogs and magazines. He goes by the pen name; Undiluted Poet.


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