
The wind dances to the beat of sango as I and three friends of mine stepped into the land of oyo, SPED To be precise. As we highlighted from a bike at SPED, oyo. we never knew we just started the journey of Israelites. We need to start asking people around, so we won't get lost as we moved a little bit forward.

"It seems we need to ask someone overthere who could lead us the way, abi?" I asked sharperly.

"No! most of the students here are deaf!" A friend of mine replied.

"What! Jesus. This is becoming something else, Abeg I no won lost Abeg! This school is somhow scattered" I added immediately, In an indisposed manner.

After few minutes, a woman on a bike came across us and asked  about the description of a hall.Unfortunately, it was the exact place we were going.

"See, we haven't known the way, this woman asking from us again!" I said, in my mind.

But unfortunately, she called someone on phone who described the exact hall as she informed us too.

"It seems God still loves me shaa" I said, in my mind. As we walked straight down the hall trying to connect the location. I called one of my recent crush too,if she could come or give a clue on how we could get the hall,because they were many halls. she was actually a student there.

"Hello, we are still at social stuff shaa. Hope we are almost there?" I declared on phone, grininng.

"Ahhh! That's just the beginning, you haven't reached anywhere".She replied politely.

"Gosh! I hung up the call.

We continued the journey of israelites. Like I said, we were three. Just like three wise men but these ones are three bewildered poets. Because we don't even know where we were going until we asked a young dark African man as he stretches out his left hand like the place we are going was heaven. I almost fainted though am used to walking but this time, the saga!! Continues.
After few minutes of walking and talking like a lost bird. We finally sighted the hall afar as we walked majestically towards it. There, they haven't started. Still arranging instruments and guitars. We walked into the exact hall, but in front a young Alhaja stopped me to register. We did actually. I was even fighting with my conscience that I can't be the first to present unknowing those to present would register on-line, because my name was number 1. Then my rest friends registered. Suddenly, my eyes attracted something I couldn't place well. Like am seeing something of unbelievable from my deep socket. To clear the doubt I called the name, it was actually Oni olarenwaju. Mehhh!  I was very happy. He couldn't place my face exactly but after much demonstration,he actually did. We hugged and exchange greetings like we have known eachother for long. Meeh! Life of  poets  are always awesome!
After few minutes, I called out my crush after that, we chatted on stand,calling me pumpkin face. I don't know where I met this lady;I felt like rendering her a brief slap with that odd name; but I calm as a gentle man & because today's poetry festival which actually everyone was endowed with different traditional wears.About 2 hours, still standing outside the hall, a girl came out and asked where she could buy food. I sense her like have seen this face before, so I called her name too,she was actually opeoluwa oluwatubosun. I was like "so,this is you. Wow!! " She was so flabbergasted to see me and also Gemini too. Then I decided to summoned my friends to get an empty sit at the front in other to see everything. Because I wasn't with my glasses.
After some unnecessary time but useful; we used in talking and gisting, we eventually started as two MCs were infront to commence the program. Sure we started with an opening prayer from an unknown woman actually as the program walks inside itself like a god. I was also called out as the first person to be punctual at the program and  I was given The farmer's daughter(poetry chapbook)by funke Awodiya.likwise my friends too, because they gave just 5 punctuality person(free).
Different activities were done. Like comedy, drummer of peace, culture dancers,sango performance, spoken word poetry & also an inspirational speech about poetry from miss. Awodiya funke.It was nice meeting her for the first time dressed in a native clothe too. She's very humble, intelligence, beautiful and hilarious too. The most scary performance was sango. When the man came in with a stick of fire in his hand blowing it out. Mehh! I can't lie, I ran like a silly dog that just escaped a gunshot. It was actually scary, and realistically real.

"So, this is Sango. Meeh! He's handsome oo".i said inside me. As they welcomed different guests too. Like the daughter of Alaafin of oyo.it was awesome seeing her. Like I shouldn't go home or even the program shouldn't come to an end. A traditional man mounted the podium, drumming "gan-gan" inform of spoken word poetry while a young lady standing beside him interpreting it because we hardly understood almost everything the drum was saying& dancing.
In a nutshell,poets flooded outside the hall from Facebook&whatsapp. Like; Awotide micheal, Opeyemi, Gemini,and RMD. Awotide was very much happier than I am to met me, likewise me too. We took pictures with different poets, writers and some unknown poets as we called It a day. We walked down again, with some poets to get a bike or cab home as we stood for over 3 hours. It was hell. So, we decided to walk while some were opportuned to get a bike.



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