Before you read this story, say a word of prayer, to yourself, that you may not only read for the fun of it; but to be blessed by God, the muse behind this story. Also, you're advisable to pay close attention to the dialogues, and what played out in each scene. Happy Reading.

                    THE SUCCESSOR 1.

[AFTERNOON--RICHARD'S HOUSE, STUDYROOM: MRS. RICHARD burst into the library with anger holding a phone as she meets her husband reading]

MRS. RICHARD: young man, who's is Lara?
MR. RICHARD: woman, you can see I'm busy reading.
MRS. RICHARD: you won't wants me to turn this to something else, right?
MR. RICHARD: (drops the book) so, what's it again?
MRS. RICHARD: (drops the phone on his desk) good, check it yourself.
MR. RICHARD: (scrolls the phone) So?
MRS. RICHARD: (In shock) oh, really? So? Is that what you will say?
MR. RICHARD: woman, look here: I seems not to get something clear, how could you just pop into my privacy, for What? And more so, I told you this phone is an official phone, for business only.
MRS. RICHARD: I see. For business only? So, when did business seems to change to sex chats?
MR. RICHARD: maybe it's just a random message. Probably mtn and their messages.
MRS. RICHARD: You're a bloody lair. I have never heard or seen mtn or any network sending sex chats and you replying, are you saying mtn is the one sending and replying these messages of "I love you", "you're sweet", and all, abi?
MR. RICHARD: Calm down, there might be mixed up somewhere.
MRS. RICHARD: A mixed up that lasted close to 2 years?
MR. RICHARD: Dear, calm down.
MRS. RICHARD: Of course, I am calm. You disappointed me. Like seriously? How could you!
MR.RICHARD: I can explain.
MRS. RICHARD: I don't need your silly explanations. I don't need it.
MRS. RICHARD: just a quick reminder, that if you try anything silly, you will be surprise what I would do to you(she leaves walking with so much tense beneath her feets)
MR. RICHARD: Hmmm. (taking a deep breath)


DANIEL: Dad, Imagine...
MR. RICHARD: (cut in) Daniel!!!
DANIEL: Yes, dad
MR. RICHARD: I am not in the mood for any talk right now.
DANIEL:( Scratches his head in guilt) ok, dad. I'm sorry for disturbing your mood. (Leaves in confusion)


[NEXTDAY--AFTERNOON--OFFICE: MR. RICHARD is relaxing in his office, meditating over the previous incident that happened between him and his wife)

ALEX: (knocks!!)
MR. RICHARD: come in.
ALEX: (comes in with a bold smile) my man.

(Exchange pleasantries)

MR. RICHARD: Why are you now knocking before you enter my office?
ALEX: of course I should. Even though your secretary told you that, it's me, as a responsible man, I am expected to still knock.
MR. RICHARD: you, responsible? (Smiles)
ALEX: anyhow! (Sits) how have you been?
MR. RICHARD: i am not fine at all.
ALEX: ehh, I see. For you not to be fine, Richard himself, it means  the world is about to end, then, Probably we should go to a place that's conducive, so that we can talk better.
MR. RICHARD: No. I am not in the mood to go out, and by the way, this is my office, my company, so!
ALEX: Your company or your wife's father's company?
MR. RICHARD: what belongs to her, is also mine.
ALEX: ok. I hear you, now, tell me, what happened?
MR. RICHARD: it's about my wife, she already knows that I'm having affair with Lara!
ALEX: (in shock) how did that happen? I thought we said you should use another phone for any discussion you wants to have with them, not your actual phone.
MR. RICHARD: did you just say, "them?" Guy, you know so well that it's only Lara that I love, I never loved this current lady for once.
ALEX: of course, we both know the game. You don't need to remind me, but then, you're kind of careless. Gosh!
MR. RICHARD: I know this time. We planned on making the second phone official for business so that she won't suspect anything. Forgotten?
ALEX:  sure. Women! maybe she already have you in mind before. You know What?
ALEX: you will beg her.
MR. RICHARD: (in shock) Beg who?
ALEX: your wife of course. Guy, you need to use your heard not your mind right now, we both know the plans, do you wants to waste our efforts now?
MR. RICHARD: I see. No problem. Beg? I will. If that will solve this mess.
ALEX: and one more thing.
ALEX: try to be more secretive next time. You know this game, you shouldn't be seen in this mess. Wise up! I don't need to tell you. And more so, why didn't you password the phone?
MR. RICHARD: the last time I password It, forgotten what happened? In fact, we are married, what am i hiding? That's why I just have to leave the phone, and make her know that, the phone is only official. It won't happen next time. I will be more secretive.
ALEX:  that's true, is it a must Lara should always call you? At least, you bought a house for her, you guys can meet and do whatever rubbish you wanna do. Please, don't mess this up with your too much love! Mr. Loverboy.
MR. RICHARD: that's okay. I have heard you. I will do something about it.
ALEX: better!


[SAMEDAY--MIKEL'S HOUSE, LIVINGROOM: MRS. RICHARD comes in as Mikel hugs her with a soft kiss]
MRS. RICHARD: not in mood, mikel.(she sits with confusion)
MIKEL: what's wrong, baby? Did I do something wrong?
MRS. RICHARD: I never say such. Not you, okay?
MIKEL: so, it's who? I need my baby's attention, I have missed you.
MRS. RICHARD: I do too. I just need to relax my mind. I will join you in the room. Just go.
MIKEL: okay. If you say so. I will be waiting. (He leaves with a bold smile into the room)
MRS. RICHARD: silly boy, you don't even want to know when somebody is not in the mood. (Her phone rings)

MRS. RICHARD: hello, folake
CALLER: hello, Bimpe, I am very sorry, I missed your calls. I was busy inspecting my goods.
MRS. RICHARD: it's fine. There is problem
CALLER: and what's that?
MRS. RICHARD: I caught my husband having an affair with another lady.
CALLER: how possible is that?
MRS. RICHARD: I am serious. I'd notice there is another phone he uses apart from his original phone I know him with. He will always tell me the phone is official use. I never knew the phone was for cheating only.
CALLER: and how did you find out all these things you're telling me?
MRS. RICHARD: good question. I was seriously looking for my land document, I don't even know what made me search his wardrobe, I found the official phone he so called "official", hidden in between his clothes.
CALLER: and what did you do?
MRS. RICHARD: I opened it, and searched everything. He didn't even password it. His sms is full of sex chats.
CALLER: woman, calm down. I feel there is a mistake somewhere.
MRS. RICHARD: mistake? With the phone he called official phone, how? Since its official, must he hide it again?
CALLER: but he didn't password it.
okay. You just need to calm down, right now. I know there is better explanation to this. Just calm down. Don't give yourself unnecessary stress. Please!
MRS. RICHARD: of course, I won't. Just that, Richard is so disappointing, he is a devil. I cannot imagine he could cheat.
CALLER: woman, calm down, forgotten you're also with another guy outside your marriage?
MRS. RICHARD: and, what are you trying to tell me?
CALLER: we both know the secret. Don't pretend. What you just need is calm down, where are you?
MRS. RICHARD: with him.
CALLER: okay. Good. Just have fun. Mikel should give you a proper massage. You need something to get over the stress. And please, don't drink. But you can smoke. Please!
MRS.RICHARD: I hear you jare. We will talk better later. Bye.
CALLER: have fun with your baby.



[EVENING--RICHARD'S HOUSE, BEDROOM: MR. RICHARD comes out from the bathroom, as he sees his wife busy with her PC as he approaches her]

MR. RICHARD: (kneel beside her) my love, my everything, my sunflower. I am very sorry  for what happened the other time. I don't mean to hurt you, let's say, it is a mistake. Please, forgive me, for the sake of our child. Please.
MRS. RICHARD: oh really? Where was your brain when you knew so well that you have a child, a married man as that. Where?
MR. RICHARD: I am sorry. I have known my mistake, such won't happen again. I promise you.
MRS. RICHARD: how sure am I?
MR. RICHARD: just give me a chance to prove it right for you. Please.
MRS. RICHARD: Of course. I will give you. On one condition?
MR. RICHARD: Which is?
MRS.  RICHARD: Take up your responsibility as a man, and head of this house. Daniel wants you. When last have you showed him that love? All you do is, from one country to another, and all, you don't even have time for me, your wife!
MR. RICHARD: (clears throat) I will change. I promise.
MRS. RICHARD: It's better you change, And now that I know that your official phone is for cheating, no more separate phone again. The phone i know you with when I met you, is the phone you should be using, no two phones, and no password, because I never password mine. If you don't wants what happened the last time you password your phone to happen again!
MR. RICHARD: Ahh, I have heard you. I won't password It. And I will do as you want. Because I wants peace to reign, and I love my home.
MRS. RICHARD: I see. You love your home and you're busy moving around with another lady, while I am here. (Hiss)
MR. RICHARD: I am sorry once again. You can see I am still on my kneels
MRS. RICHARD: I never said you should kneel for me. I am not an idol.
MR. RICHARD: (Stands) I love you.
MRS. RICHARD: Same here.
MR. RICHARD: is that my respond to what I said?
MRS. RICHARD: So, what did you want me to say? I should carry microphone and be shouting that I love my husband!
MR. RICHARD: It's fine. Good night.
MRS. RICHARD: Sleep tight.


[NEXTDAY--MORNING-- RICHARD'S HOUSE, LIVINGROOM: MR. RICHARD comes out from his room as he sees the maid cleaning the house]
MR. RICHARD: Mary, How are you?
MARY: ahh, Good morning, sir.
MR. RICHARD: morning. Where is my son?
MARY: sir?
MR. RICHARD: are you deaf? I said, where is my son?
MARY: he should be in his room, sir. You don check am?
MR. RICHARD: You must be stupid for the question you ask me. Meaning? Like I am dumb, right?
MARY: (kneel) no sir oo
MR. RICHARD: Are you not the one that's always taking care of him?
MARY: I am sorry sir.
MR. RICHARD: Go inside his room and call him for me. Right now. I mean, now!
(She rushes inside to call Daniel)

MARY: (knocks)
DANIEL: who's that?
MARY: Its me, Mary.
DANIEL: So, what happen?
MARY: Your Dad wants to see you.
DANIEL: my Dad or my Mummy?
MARY: ahh, I said your Dad. Do you have another father!
DANIEL: (in surprise) tell him I am coming.
MARY: please be fast.(she leaves)

(She rushes to the living room)
MARY: ehh, he said he is coming.
MR. RICHARD: Ok. You can continue your work. Thank you.

(Daniel comes out shortly)

DANIEL: Dad, Good morning.
MR. RICHARD: Morning, son. I hope you slept well?
DANIEL: I did. And you?
MR. RICHARD: Same here. Ehh, when are you going to school?
DANIEL: This morning, sir.
MR. RICHARD: Ok, good. Get dressed. I will drop you in school.
DANIEL: You mean you will drop me on campus?
MR. RICHARD: Sure. I will. Is any problem with that?
DANIEL: Of course not. I am just surprise.
MR. RICHARD: (Smiles) I'm still your father,  just get ready. Be fast.
DANIEL: I am almost done, I will be back soon. Spare me few minutes.

(He rushes inside)


DANIEL: (opens the door)
MR. RICHARD: (holds his hand) wait.
DANIEL: what's it Dad?
MR. RICHARD: I'm sorry for whatever I might have caused you, I want you to know that I'm still your father, and I will forever be. I love you, Forgive me, son.
DANIEL: (smiles as he hugs him)
MR. RICHARD: Thank you. So, now that you're back to school, this should be your...
DANIEL:(cut in) 300l, first semester.
MR. RICHARD: Good. You're almost done. You just need to face your studies. I'm not saying you shouldn't have fun, of course you will, and you can. Just make us proud. Please.
DANIEL: trust me, Dad. I won't disappoints you, and mummy.
MR. RICHARD: that's my boy. So, enjoy yourself. I will call you later.
DANIEL: Ok, Dad. Bye. (Comes out from the car)


       》》After 2 Months《《

[EVENING, CAMPUS:  DANIEL struggles out from his hostel as he searches the place his friend called for them to meet in the evening, around 7pm; as a bold voice stops him]

DANIEL: (turns back to face the person)
ALVIN: I never said you should face me, Daniel.
DANIEL: (adjust himself) hmmm, who are you and how do you know my name?
ALVIN: I don't think that should be necessary for now. You will know soon.
DANIEL: I guess there is a mistake somewhere, my friend called me on phone to meet him at this point, but your voice never tend to sound like his. What's going on.
ALVIN: too much questions create fear in human's heart. You're still on campus, you don't need to be scared. Your friend, Paul, right?
DANIEL: Yes, Paul.
ALVIN: He is fine. (His Phone rings)

ALVIN: Hello, Lord. The boy is here.
CALLER: Good. Bring him to our base.
ALVIN: right away, Lord.


ALVIN: Daniel, keep moving, we are going to meet your friend.
DANIEL: But, why must I follow you?
ALVIN: I can see you're stubborn. You better follow or you get caught by the security.
DANIEL: Ahh, I'm finished! (rushes with a tired move towards him as they fade into darkness)

[ALVIN and DANIEL enters a classroom as DANIEL sees PAUL crossed legs and smoking)
DANIEL: (in shock) Paul, what's that with you, are you smoking?
PAUL: (smiles) of course not. I'm just practicing how to hold the cigarette.
DANIEL: (in shock) practicing how to hold cigarette, does that look like...
PAUL: (cut in) just shut it. Shuuu. Please. I called you, and he brought you here. I don't think you have any business with what I'm holding.
DANIEL: hmm, ok.
LORD: I see. Daniel, you're such a funny boy. Anyways, I have been observing you for some time now, and I like you. You're very brilliant.  Oh, pardon my manners: my name is Lord.
DANIEL: I have never heard of that name before, I only know one person bearing that name...
LORD: (cut in) which is God, right?
DANIEL: obviously.
LORD: you're right. But, that's a story for another day. I will love to be your friend.
DANIEL: (Smiles) how? Why? I don't think I need friends for now. I only know Paul as my friend.
LORD: (smiles) wow! You know what, I know the corners of this campus. So, I'm more experienced than you'd.
LORD: I'm a finalist. And  I mean no harm, of course, your friend is here; so, you're safe. I just wants to be a friend.
DANIEL: If I may ask, what kind of friend?
LORD: intimate friend. You share your sorrow with me, then I do too. We rub minds together.
DANIEL: I never said I am a sorrowful person, did i?
LORD: (smiles) you see, i understand the fact that, you're scared. We are not cultist.
ALVIN: obviously!
DANIEL: does a thief says, I am a thief?
ALVIN: ( in anger) no you getting beyond your boundary, boy. How dare you say such word, are you calling us thieves? Are you crazy!
LORD: Alvin, calm down. I should be the one to fly up, not you. Calm down.
DANIEL: Why are you so concern with what I just said if truly you're not?
LORD: (clears throat) like I said, we are not cultist.
DANIEL: so, who are you?
LORD: we are just a family.
DANIEL: (Smiles) I have my family already. I don't think i need extended family.
PAUL: guys, it's time, we need to get away from here.
LORD: Oh. (Check his wirst watch) that's true. Hmm, Daniel, we will talk better later, I just want you to know, that we as a family, we care. (He leaves with ALVIN)
DANIEL: But Paul, what's the meaning of all these that just happen now? You called me here just to meet a guy from somewhere wanting to be a friend or what, like I said I was looking for one?
PAUL: Calm down, G.
DANIEL: Oh, really?
PAUL: you wanna smoke?
DANIEL: I never said I wanted to practice how to hold cigarette.
PUAL: Oh, here you go again! Let's go.
DANIEL: Where?
PAUL: from where did I called you?
DANIEL: hostel
PAUL: then your heard must be paining you, my friend let's go!
LORD: (turns back as he removes a pistol from his  pocket and points to DANIEL AND PAUL) STOP THERE!

(they both stands still as fear grip DANIEL'S HEART)

LORD: (pulls the trigger) pow!!!!!!

To be continued...


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