Host - Prince Joe
Guest - Kayeon Onyeka


H: So, quick one, before we start, can you please define yourself in just (1) word?

G: Wordmaker.

H: Interesting, this speaks a lot though.

Ok, not to waste much time, according to the given topic, lets starts from EMOTIONS.

In your opinion, and coupled with your experience what does EMOTION means to you?

G: Emotions for me plays a huge part in my life because they drive (consciously and unconsciously) my perspective, actions and sometimes realities.

But I must be quick to mention that it is not the most rational way to live, cos it subjects you to mood swings and uncertainty but most times they propeller the most powerful words and actions

H: Great. Something heavy to ponder on, indeed.

So, kayeon, this aspect of EMOTION, do you think it has any importance in writing, at least, of recent; I met with a lady, she writes too. She told me she doesn't write with the influence of this so called EMOTION.

So my question is, how possible is that, What's your take?

G: I think that it depends on what one is trying to achieve with their writing.

I'll use COVID 19 for example.

If you want to for instance inform people about the disease, just information alone, you could just reel out scientific studies about the disease.

But if you want them to stay in doors, you tell them more about the deaths it can cause, in fact, writing about a wife who now has to take care of her children because the husband stepped out and died from the virus, would evoke an emotion that would make wives impress their husbands to stay at home.

If you want people to donate, the messaging might be similar to the one above but will try to compel their sympathy more.

If you want people to laugh despite the virus, you still have to write in a way that evokes laughter, especially with what we see with memes.

But I can tell you that emotion is one of the effective way to drive home a message because most times people subconsciously accept a message even before checking its accuracy or validity when conveyed with the right emotions.With most of my poems I want people to take some sort of actions or think in some ways, so I try to choose words, imagery that makes them think how I want them too and it works everytime

H: Let's me take it from here. Great response up there though.

Kayeon, even though EMOTION is very important, like you said, and I was told, that why we have disadvantages is because there are  advantages, so tell me: is there any otherwise concerning what EMOTION could cause, I mean the negativity, Or it doesn't have at all?

Please, forward your response to your experience so far.

G: We have positive and negative emotions.

One of the worst negative emotions I have experienced is Fear. Most times fear of the unknown, Fear of not writing well enough or forgetting my lines when I go up stage, and honestly sometimes I give in to them, sometimes not.

But I haven't really written anything to drive negative emotions even when I don't agree with people e.g the government. I only highlight what they are doing wrong but demand they do better. But someone can write about the government or a tribe and spark up a riot or killings, so that's the negative side.

Emotions can be manipulated for evil and that's a disadvantage

H: Brilliant.

Kayeon, now concerning MEMORIES, what can you say about it? I know it's a very powerful "tool"( permit me to use that word)

So, tell us, MEMORIES, what's your definition?

G: Memories are recollections of past events and experiences both the good and bad.

I think writing is very much connected with the mind and what ever has found a place in your mind to stay long enough to be worthy of remembrance must have made an impression.

Chimamanda Adichie once implied that it's easier to write what you know.

I feel this is because what is already in your mind as memories can be a good foundation for great imagination and writing.

I think my memories and past experiences play a huge role in what I write and how I write about them

H: Great.

Now, lets talk about the proper standard of writing, between MEMORIES and EMOTIONS, do you think both of them "must" work hand in hand in writing?

Or if I may ask, which one carries more substance?

G: Well emotions can stand alone but you can't totally separate Memories from emotions, cause like I said whatever it is that was worthy of your minds retention and remembrance must have made an impression (which includes emotions)

So a writing with emotion  may not necessarily be a memory but a writing informed by a memory whether good or bad would mostly (not always)  carry an emotion

H: Ok, I get your point of view.

Kayeon, you, as a writer, and a spoken word artist, what have you ever battled with when trying to write, your EMOTIONS or MEMORIES? and how do you overcome it?

G: I don't remember it ever being a battle. Both work hand in hand for me.

My only battle or say questions when I'm trying to speak or write is: Are these just emotions or is there some element of truth in it?  Is this rational, do I really have to say this, what emotions and inclinations do I want my audience to have after hearing me.

So they dont have to battle for placement the major thing is the message and then I choose any tool that helps to drive it. May be a memory or not

H: Interesting...

If I may ask, WHY do you write?

G: I may sound religious but this below is the core of my writing

2 Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

So it may come in form of a love poem like in my poem about my future husband, a caution about vanity like in my poem money or a charge for nation building  like in my poem I'm corruption

But it's driving at propelling the right mindset and who knows the right mindset better than the creator himself.

H: Ok. Impressive.
It's time for challenge,
Here is the challenge:

Write a 5-line poem that speaks about a young girl of 15 years old, being raped by 3 guys of 25 years of age. She is about to commits suicide, because she is an orphan, and she was taken advantage of. I don't need to tell you how to go about it, just make sure you convince her that she has a lot to aim in life. Create her a better life with your words.

I wants you to wear the poem, and let's feel it, and please, try to make us be move to tears.

Your time starts now!

G: 15times they tore into your body

Now you can't count your tears, can't count your fears, count call your body by name, there's shame on your tongue

You're 25, you still can't breathe.

but you have been called to make an army out of broken bones

For you must rename your body, this time call it: LIVE

H: Profound! You write so well. Great.

Lastly, what do you want to tell the budding writers that are aiming to become better, any word for them?

G: Face your fears, believe in yourself, Tell your story, it may seem significant but even if one person hears it, then you would have made the world a better place by one person.

And the Holy Spirit is the best inspiration trigger and helper I know and I recommend him

Thank you so much for having me.

The End.


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