For today's literary discussion,we bring you a prolific writer:Miss.Precious Oshikha.

Miss.precious:Thank you very much. I am happy to be here too.

Host: Without wasting time Please briefly tell us who is PRECIOUS PEN ?

Miss.Precious: Well, a lot people mistake Precious Pen for me. But in all i am associated with it. Now i am Precious Osikha. Precious Pen is my brand. Founded 11th March 2015.
The brand covers the literary world. Coaching of writers, Freelancing, Editing, Script writing , blogging and whole lot of others too.
However, Precious Osikha is the one who runs Precious Pen. I am the author of White Whispers and other literary works.

Host: Precious Oshika the founder of the Precious Pen
Mehn, I like precious things. Great and absolutely amazing seeing you as a lady leading in the realm of writing.
Ma'am Precious Pen;
some have been saying that the literary world in Nigeria is not where it should be.
What's your take on the present state of the literary world especially writers in Nigeria?

Miss. Precious: Truth to be i support that motion. The present state of the literary world to me is still under aged.
Oh yea. It is. I told a writer something shocking few days ago. I said a literary world that cant protect you is not a literary world. We have too many jokers.

Host:hmmmm. Too many jokers

What did you mean by too many jokers?

Miss. Precious: I will explain better. The literary world is different from the normal world. A literary world is  place where creativity is born. Where people get to out their minds to work. But today its filled people who only do copy and paste. I believe many of you know what i mean.
Its now a place even writers dont indulge in exercises to learn more about it.

Host:Precious Pen ma'am;
What and what are the factors impeding the growth of writers and the literary world at large?

Miss.Precious: Well there are many factors but i wish to state a few key ones.
1. I will point out the first factor to the writers themselves. Oh yes. To grow in the literary world you must be ready as a writer to make sacrifices. Go through the processes and become better.
2. The society. Or rather the mindset of the the society especially those who aren't in the literary world. We don't tend to appreciate writers who give in their best.

Let me quickly chip in something:

Last year i was asked to do a free lance job for a client. He ended up saying that's not what he wanted. He refused to pay.
Then he called his friend to direct him to a good writer he knows and that same friend contacted me. The man then realised the problem wasn't from me but him.
3. We have a poor system of Government in the country. All what people see are professionals and you see some people think writers aren't worth it.

Host: Your points are top notches...
1. Writers lack of sacrifice
2. The society itself don't encourage writers
3. Poor system of government
Ma'am Precious Pen,
What do you think are the causes of this impediment and derailment?

Miss.Precious: Human mind. Human phenomenon. Lack of relevant laws. And many more. I chose these key notes to talk about. Human mind/phenomenon is a major cause. I tell people the way you weave your mind determines how things go.

Host: Precious Pen ma'am,
What can you proffer as remedy to redeemed the lost glory of the realm of writers and the literary world at large.?

Miss.Precious: Remedies.

1. We must work on our mind set. By either training our minds to give more and learn more.
We have mind coaches everywhere.  I am a mind coach too.

2. We also need relevant laws to protect writers because some writers get so afraid not to have their work plagiarised.

3. The government must ensure a good system to encourage writers.
.4. Writers must learn to support writers.
Its appalling to see that these days writers don't read. They don't buy books.

Host: Precious Pen ma'am,
What can we do as writers and individuals to improve the state of the literary world?

1. Writers should stop sleeping and wake up. In fact that's a program i am running soon. WAKE UP and MAKE UP. Do well to join.
2. Lets leave our comfort zone. We need creatively.
3. Lets learn to support each other. Writers like free things too much.
4. Its time to add value to the literary world. Come up with creative ideas. Work with people of same mind set. And lets expand our horizon.

These days all i see in the literary world is just poetry and fiction. What happened to non fiction? What happened to drama? There are aspects that are dying. What about our generation?

Who can we say is our next Author of Chike at the river? Eze goes to school?

Please lets brace up. A footballer is the president of Liberia what about us?

Literary world is beautiful. But writers must first WAKE UP and MAKE UP. (See you there).

Do you know this platform is a good one to improve the literary world?  Now you know.

Host:So Lastly,what can government do to assist the literary world?

Miss Precious: Government have a role to play. Our government are not serious.  Last year i sent a proposal to my state Government for a book reading. There body language showed they  frowned at it. To them it wasn't their priority but they failed to know that these things will enhance and remove unemployment. There is money in the literary world.These are the things they can do.

In collaboration with the Ministry of education empower youths to offer seminars and programs.

Start up after school clubs for literary trainees.
Ensure competitions can boost students and that way they will know their passion too.

Host: Great words we read tonight. It's a great testimony having you in for this discussion. Keep making the world proud in your way, ma'am. Much love.

Miss.precious: Thanks so much. Much love.

Its no longer news that White Whispers a debut book is  trending. The feedbacks are as intense as the stories in the book. Five readers have  been recorded to have cried after reading the book. One reader got gripped into the book and forgot his food on the fire. And guess what? A miracle has happened to another reader. This isn't a  joke. Get the eBook for just 1,000 naira and see for your self by contacting:preciouspenchannel@gmail.com

Visit preciouspen.com  for the best stories, quotes, poems and articles.

Thanks for reading.



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