As an intro, let's all look into the real world today. What do you see?
What do I see?
What do we all see together?
Am happy to tell you that we see reality! And this reality is that EDUCATION in this part of our world heads towards asylum.
But, firstly I'd love to ask this question. WHAT IS EDUCATION???
Just one responder please

Well .... Education from my own perspective of which I know applies to the whole people living in this part of the world I reside, is defined as a process of;
1) Learning
2) Unlearning
3) Countering Knowledge
4) Creating Knowledge
5) Living.

Hence, if anything you involve in doesn't do all of this above listed points, Then it shouldn't be regarded as being EDUCATION.
and here exactly lies the problem!..
This part of the world we are believe that EDUCATION is simply the act of sitting inside a four jointed wall in the form of a room where a self acclaimed han who had also passed through this exact stage you are stands in front of all of you in this room and loads you with others knowledge...

And there again sprouts another problem!...

This definition of ours Creates this greater problem for us, and it is; "WE PRACTICE SCHOOLING NOT EDUCATION IN THIS PART OF THE WORLD WE FIND OURSELVES!"

Whereby every human brain is structured to a sequence of Go to primary school - Graduate and get to secondary school - Gain admission into a tertiary institution. Then get a good job - get a good wife - give birth - Feed your parents in return for sending you to school then die!

This has being the sequence we subject ourselves to, and today I am happy to tell you that we aren't Educating ourselves rather we school ourselves!

We train our brain to a sequence making it deficient when it comes to thinking out if the box! And this exactly brings us to our topic of discussion; LIFE BEFORE DURING AND AFTER "SCHOOLING"

Dividing the stages of man, we have the child (0-17) stage, youth (18-50) stage, and the adult (51- death) stage, now looking critically, one would see that before one starts this deadly process of SCHOOLING, one is in the least part of the stage of being a child, either within the ages of 4/5, hence one can actually do do nothing in this stage for you would still be a newbie to the world, except on "special cases"

Hence, the before schooling time is left for you to enjoy!.. So enjoy!

Mind you schooling starts from when you resume NURSERY SCHOOL
Riding through your early schooling life, from the ages of 2/3/4 to 14 then this sense of "catering for my self" must step into your faculty of thoughts, and if not, an sorry to say, but YOU ARE A FOOL!
Now, immediate when this sense of responsibility creeps in, then thoughts about your future starts and this marks the stage of DURING SCHOOLING
Averagely at this age, one should be in junior secondary school 3
This stage of life is the most dangerous time of an human, for decisions made during this period can either make or mar ones life.
Now, The big question arises in you, fighting and fighting with your inner you to Pick The Best!... The best career for you.
But the fear of failing in any if this sequence of life above mentioned would make the world tag you a failure. So what do you want to do?
What do you want to become of yourself in future?

What do you want your children to see when your name is called as their father.

What do you want the community around you to know you as in the future?

How and what do you want to impact in the society you reside in, in the future?

What do you want to impact in your generation when you're finally gone?
This and many more would start bothering your mind at this stage of life, and if it didn't, I'm sorry to say once again, YOU ARE A FOOL! and life is but a time waste to you
Anyway, proceeding... With your still fresh brain, most people find it difficult to answer most (if not all) of this questions, (it's permissible, so far they're still stored up in your head burning like a well on fire)

So therefore, you proceed in the struggle of schooling, and yes! Finally you gained admission into an higher institution. My dear friend, if still at this stage you haven't answered this question, THERE'S SPACE FOR TROUBLE IN THE FUTURE!
but, life has a funny way of giving you the last chance, and this are your early years in campus. In your early years where the struggle to get good grades become your priority and wooing that lady on glasses,always witted in the first row your secondary aim, then this thoughts would crawl up again. BUT! if you try to avoid this thoughts this time again has you've done in the past, then your doom is finally confirmed!
After your first year, you realise that chasing those grades aren't really worth it and you seem to start relaxing in your race. Your days seems getting longer and classes get borer, my friend this is the exact time to put those answers to those questions in your brain to Action.
This is the best time to spur up the real you in you and fine a future
For at this stage you realise you've started growing muscles and for the girl you seem to catch that boy always glancing at you. Things you didn't notice before. Why? Because your brain wasn't opened to them yet.
And now that your brain now opens to them, I beg you the best way is to use those brains instead of catching that girl or for fixing parties to plan your future
Instead of changing women as the fly perches differently on foods, why not use this previous time if yours to make something out of yourself. For this is the time in your life you have this freedom most, no father to cage you, no mothers disturbances... No wife yet and no children's cry filling the atmosphere.
This is the best time to think critically and deeply
This is the time to make hay while this sun still shines
For friend, this parent of ours in this part of the world we find ourselves in expect rewards for the Monet they spent on us in SCHOOLING as fast as possible
So don't disappoint them, don't make it seem that their efforts on you is a waste. Don't make them shed silent tears over you. Therefore the only solutions to this, is to start taking actions now.
quickly, let me run you through couple of things you could place hands on and start while on campus and still after
That thing you enjoy doing most, why not bring a more uniqueness to you and sell it to the world.
Fine, this us a gathering of poets, why not amuse this always expectant world by giving poetry another shape?. I tell you, creativity sells faster than consistency!
Also create your niche.
Fine, find those who enjoy you the most, reach out to them, I bet you they'll help you reach out to the world if what you carry in you excites them. And you know before it can excite them, then it must favour them.
Also be consistent. When you begin something, do nor back out unexpectedly, or fluctuate. It pisses people off... Better still, if you need a break, we are poets here, you can release a poem that startles the mind of your reader and would make them want to read over and over again, forgetting you haven't released another one. And by this, you're taking your break. Simple!
We're poets, don't make your niche/audience bored by you!...
Don't make them feel; "urg urgh this guy wants to blow my wall with notifications about him always!"... Like seriously, they get tired of you easily and also simultaneously you becoming a common stock in the world of poetry. All would want to buy you cheap.
Instead, release a mind breaking poem and keep silent (not stupidly silent anyway) still tease them with very short insightful poems. By this way, they'll always queue when you announce to the public about any poem to he released again.
Mind you, this doesn't just happen easily anyway, you must be very good, when I mean very good, I mean very good, to attain this state. And what makes you very good? CREATIVITY AND CONSISTENCY
Create a storm occasionally!
This has being a key most bloggers do now. They make an argumentative piece then make readers jam heads together, this creates audience also. But, while doing this, do not cross the margin!
Never underestimate the power of Money! And AWARD!!
You see, this days many poets, if not all, writes to make money, fame and award, but NO! it shouldn't be. For anything thou chaseth, thou struggles so much to achieve it. Therefore, just write as a free soul that does it for passion, and you know what, all this triplets would Starr chasing you pants down.
A legend once said, chase excellence and success would chase you ,Don't rush. Make things step at a time
if all this you follow by heart, and your village people ( chuckles**) is not actually following you oh, my friends this time to to succeed.
And when your mates that graduated together are all struggling to find a white collar job trying to put their life in another sequence (Wake- Go to work- come back - cook - and sleep) daily, all you do is to sit, work a little daily and make your money!
Only few understands this words of mine for they are words from the other side.


" I am Emmanuel" who also calls himself "The Poet From The Other Side" a young African poet, writer, essayist, actor and a spoken words artist who preaches his gospel to primarily Africans to embrace their colour and be proud of their nature, Black. The pioneer and current president of Whyke Anthology.


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